A tsunami (津波 ) (English pronunciation: /(t)suːˈnɑːmi/)
is a series of water waves (called a tsunami wave train) that is caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water, such as an ocean. The original Japanese term literally translates as "harbor wave." Tsunamis are a frequent occurrence in Japan; approximately 195 events have been recorded. Due to the immense volumes of water and energy involved, tsunamis can devastate coastal regions. Casualties can be high because the waves move faster than humans can run.
Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions (detonations of nuclear devices at sea), landslides and other mass movements, bolide impacts, and other disturbances above or below water all have the potential to generate a tsunami.
The Greek historian Thucydides was the first to relate tsunami to submarine earthquakes, but understanding of tsunami's nature remained slim until the 20th century and is the subject of ongoing research. Many early geological, geographical, and oceanographic texts refer to tsunamis as "seismic sea waves."
Some meteorological conditions, such as deep depressions that cause tropical cyclones, can generate a storm surge, called a meteotsunami, which can raise tides several meters above normal levels. The displacement comes from low atmospheric pressure within the center of the depression. As these storm surges reach shore, they may resemble (though are not) tsunamis, inundating vast areas of land. Such a storm surge inundated Burma (Myanmar) in May 2008.
Hi my friends,
today we are learning something about Tsunamis. I have photographed the sign above at one of the pretty beaches here at the Space Coast in Florida. I've discovered recently that sign and for seconds I had all those sad pictures in my mind we got to see on TV, when that catastrophically big Tsunami hit Myanmar in 2008. And I realized in seconds, that it can happen here the same too, anytime. We hope and pray it will never happen!
Thank you my friends for all your wonderful comments to my "Wordless Sunday" yesterday, and for all comments ever. I'm happy you like my photos.
I wish you a wonderful day and as we say here in Florida:
Sunshine's to you! See you....
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