Find beauty not only in the thing itself but in the pattern of the shadows, the light and dark which that thing provides.
~ Junichiro Tanizaki~
Hi my friends,
Thank you again for all your wonderful comments to my post 2 days ago.
Yep, you're reading right, I have not posted anything yesterday - I took a day off.
After 1109 posts (one almost every day since 2006) I'm getting tired posting,
to be honest to you :)
Maybe it's good to have a little creative pause of a day or two in between, so I'm not boring you to much with my "blablabla's". I hope you'll still be coming back to have a look and to enjoy!
I'm working also on other projects and for me they have more priority just now.
But, this is now not a "good bye for ever" - I'm still around!
Stay with me and don't forget me :)
Love you all!
My NEW CALENDARS 2010 are available to buy here.
~ Junichiro Tanizaki~
Hi my friends,
Thank you again for all your wonderful comments to my post 2 days ago.
Yep, you're reading right, I have not posted anything yesterday - I took a day off.
After 1109 posts (one almost every day since 2006) I'm getting tired posting,
to be honest to you :)
Maybe it's good to have a little creative pause of a day or two in between, so I'm not boring you to much with my "blablabla's". I hope you'll still be coming back to have a look and to enjoy!
I'm working also on other projects and for me they have more priority just now.
But, this is now not a "good bye for ever" - I'm still around!
Stay with me and don't forget me :)
Love you all!
My NEW CALENDARS 2010 are available to buy here.
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