We left Friedericksburg pretty early this Wednesday morning and drove 223 miles toward West. With these pictures I like to show you the many faces of beautiful Texas. I don't know anymore all the names of the places where we went trough, sorry. Just enjoy the scenes like I did with my camera. Almost all photos are made out from the car.

For the most I liked the sky!

Driving on I-10 down hill between these canyons and after every curve we get presented a new, different and beautiful scenery...

Far in the back there were hills covered with hundreds of wind mills
(click in the picture to see it bigger)

A typical Texas country scene

Only 66 miles more to our goal for today - and "only" 311 miles more to El Paso :))

For me this looks like a scene out of an old cowboy movie, like many other scenes I have seen today.

Ozona is in Crockett County Texas, named after David Crockett "The back woods man from Tennessee" who died in defending the Alamo and made famous again by Walt Disney in the 1950's.

And this is not a joke! This sign I have photographed somewhere on a resting area - happily there were no snakes around. But, always watch your steps in Texas!
Hi my friends,
Just now we are resting here in the region of "Apache Springs" and we'll be going tomorrow further, probably in direction "Carlsbad" and "Roswell" in New Mexico. Maybe I will capture some (real?) Aliens there?....LOL..... :))
Thanks for all your wonderful comments to my last post! Very much appreciated.
Susanne and David
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