There's so much amazing stock in H and M at the moment. They really seem to have their fingers on the pulse! Even more exciting is the prospect of the Viktor and Rolf range which will be out soon, but lets face it, that collection will go the same way as the Stella M one did...straight to eBay. So bloody annoying.
But hey, rather than mourning over the loss of Stella M and co, I want to pay homage to all the great clothes around at the moment. I usually shop at H and M but when on holiday in Brighton in August, I decided to pop in, and left with a pure 80s towerblock trash style mustard houndstooth shirt (see picture above). Think Del Boy meets Pony Club. We're in love. Also bagged myself a cute little sleevless grey dress which a high hemline. I'll be wearing it over a black poloneck and leggings this winter, in addition to lots of cosy layers! Also had my eye on a black and white houndstooth coat, but had to leave before I went Houndstooth crazy.
Also re-discovered that I have a houndtooth skirt in my drawers that I bought form a charity shop last year. A very satisfying discovery indeed, because incase it wasn't possible to tell from my enthuiasm for the pattern-It's everywhere!
this diana von furstenburg coat made up for the lack of trademark wraps...
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